Corrosion can be a troublesome thing distorting parts so they become inefficient or at worse utterly useless. This 2009 BMW 2.0L X3 Diesel came into the workshop with the ABS light on. Following inspection, corrosion under the drive shaft tone ring was uncovered. Follow this Real Fix to see what was done to resolve the complaint.
2009 BMW 2.0 X3 Diesel
Code 5E44, Replaced Driveshaft
The customer states the ABS light is on.
Connected a scan tool and found code 5E44 – Wheel-speed sensor, EMC, rear right. Carried out a road test, while viewing scan tool live data. Found that the rear right wheel speed sensor data was erratic. Raised the vehicle on a hoist and carried out a visual inspection of the rear right drive shaft and ABS sensor. Found that the drive shaft tone ring had expended due to the buildup of corrosion under the drive shaft tone ring. Removed the rear right drive shaft from the vehicle and inspected. Found that the buildup of corrosion was excessive and the tone ring was cracked. These tests verified that the drive shaft was at fault.
Replaced the driveshaft, cleared codes, performed a road test and verified the vehicle operated properly.
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