SureTrack Real Fix

SureTrack Community Fix: F150 Go Boom!

exhaust gas recirculation valve, SureTrack Real Fixes

So you’re trying to start your truck and hear an explosion under the hood. That can’t be good! SureTrack community member southauto had a Ford F150 pickup in their shop that had an issue with hard starting followed by the intake manifold exploding. They posed the question to the community, and with the help of fellow community member Jhirz and others, they were able to resolve the issue quickly.

The following Community Fix summarizes the interaction between members of the community that led to the solution.

2006 Ford Pickup F150 5.4L

Hard to start, intake explodes, leaking injectors.

Customer complained of long cranking time and then backfire.

Diagnostic Steps Performed/Parts Replaced
The customer stated that the vehicle would not start. After excessive cranking, the vehicle backfired and blew the bottom of the intake off. This happened three years ago and the motor was also swapped out at that time due to age and the common 5.4L issues. We installed a new motor and after about a year the new motor one day out of the blue, long cranked and exploded the intake. We warrantied that intake with this one and now last week it did it again. Why would it do this? Has anyone seen this before?

Best Answer from Community Member Jhirz
Leaking injector? Any codes?

Multiple injectors leaking, causing it to flood and KABOOM!!

Replaced injectors and intake manifold. Truck now starts easily.

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