What could be more annoying than having your car stall every time you come to a stop? SureTrack community member 7343917292 had a Buick Regal in the shop that would stall when coming to a stop. They posed the question to the community, and with the help of fellow community member DAG1365 and others, they were able to resolve the issue quickly.
The following Community Fix summarizes the interaction between members of the community that led to the solution.
2012 Buick Regal 2.4L
Engine stalling, replaced downstream O2 sensor.
Customer complains that engine stalls when coming to a stop.
Diagnostic Steps Performed/Parts Replaced
Test drove vehicle and found engine stalling after start up and when coming to a stop. Induced smoke into intake system to check for vacuum leaks and found no apparent leaks. Scanned and retrieved code #2119, inspected throttle body and found no physical issues or damage. Replaced throttle body and did performed idle relearn. Still stalling.
Went through and tested O2 sensors and found downstream voltage low.
Replaced O2 sensor and retested good on cold start. Customer has called to update that the vehicle has no issues on cold start at this time.
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