Nobody wants to deal with jerks, especially in your steering wheel when you’re driving down the road. Follow this Real Fix to see how a jerking steering wheel issue on this Nissan Pickup was diagnosed and repaired.
1991 Nissan Pickup SE 3.0L
Steering Wheel Jerks When Turning, Replaced Steering Gear
The customer states the steering wheel jerks when turning.
Confirmed the customer’s complaint and found the steering wheel jerked when turning. Inspected the steering system and found there was no obvious damage or leakage. The fluid was at the proper level and in good condition. Coasted vehicle downhill and with the engine turned off, found the jerking was not present during turning. Used a power steering analyzer and found the power steering pump was capable of producing sufficient and steady hydraulic pressure. The result of these tests verified the steering gear was faulty.
Replaced the steering gear, performed a road test, and verified the vehicle operated properly. The customer’s concern did not return.
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