SureTrack Real Fix

SureTrack Real Fix: Just The Right Dose

exhaust gas recirculation valve, SureTrack Real Fixes

Diesel engines have inherently dirty emissions and need help to address this problem. You can run them extra lean to keep the soot down but that causes high nitrogen oxides (N0x). A common solution is to use a Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) which is injected into the exhaust system to reduce the NOx emissions. Follow this Real Fix to see how a problem with the DEF system on this 2011 RAM truck was diagnosed and corrected.

2011 RAM Cab & Chassis 3500 HD 6.7L

P20EE, Replaced Diesel Exhaust Fluid Dosing Valve

The customer states the check engine light is on.

Connected a scan tool and found code P20EE – SCR NOx Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1). Performed a visual inspection of the exhaust system and found no obvious faults. Performed a visual inspection of the diesel exhaust fluid and found that there were no leaks, the fluid was clean and at the proper level. Removed the diesel exhaust fluid dosing valve to inspect and found no obtructions in the decomposition tube. Placed the diesel exhaust fluid dosing valve in a container to capture diesel exhaust fluid expelled during flow volume testing. Used scan tool to perform diesel exhaust fluid doser pump override test. Waited test time duration and found the measured fluid collected was below specification. These test results verified the diesel exhaust fluid dosing valve was faulty.

Replaced the diesel exhaust fluid dosing valve, cleared codes, performed a road test and verified the vehicle operated properly. The check engine light did not illuminate and no fault codes returned.

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